
How much MyShroom® blend to use with food or beverage


(makes 3 eight to ten ounce glasses)

PDF of juice or smoothie recipe

​Unsweetened almond or coconut milk           3 or 4 cups
Ground flax seeds                                               5 tablespoons
Myshroom® mushroom blend                         8 to 24 teaspoons
liquid mineral blend with fulvic acid                3 tablespoons 
Silica (if not part of mineral blend)                   30 mg  
(methylated Bs), C and D3 vitamins or multi vitamin (follow dosage on label)     
Ionized water                                                       1 cup or more

Optional additions

Fresh organic greens of your choice         3 cups
Fresh organic fruit of your choice              2 or more cups
Liquid multi vitamin                                     daily dose
Protein powder                                             6 tablespoons
Organic Ground chia seeds                         6 tablespoons
Organic Ground cumin, tumeric                6 tablespoons
Organic Moringa powder                            1 tablespoon
Organic Maca powder                                 1 tablespoon
Other vegetables                                          carrot, cilantro, spinach, beet, etc.
Other spices                                                  to your taste
Organic healthful sweetener if desired    1 - 4 tablespoons depending on the amount of smoothie or juice  made (the size of blender or juicer used)                                                                               A natural sweetener: Stevia, erythritol, honey, etc. 
Stay away from all forms of cane sugars and corn syrup.

Blend all together in blender.


PDF of salad dressing recipe

Organic Cider Vinegar                  2 cups
Lemon Juice                                   1/4 cup
Olive Oil if chosen                         2 cups (Alternative is to increase lemon juice to 2 cups)
Myshroom®  blend                      3 Tbsp.
Ground flax seeds                         1 Tbsp.                 
Garlic                                               2 Tbsp. (If fresh - crushed)
Oregano                                         2 Tbsp.
Pepper if chosen                           To taste
Parmesan cheese if chosen         2 Tbsp.

Suggested additions

Organic Cranberries                      3 Tbsp. finely chopped
Mango                                              3 Tbsp. finely chopped
Organic Apples                               3 Tbsp. finely chopped
Turmeric                                          3 Tbsp.
Chia Seeds                                       3 Tbsp. ground
Walnuts, pecans or almonds        3 Tbsp. chopped/sliced

Blend all together.  Before using remix so those spices that may settle to the bottom are spread through out the dressing.

I Quit Sugar: Your Complete 8-Week Detox Program and Cookbook

Rhonda's Ultimate Micronutrient Smoothie recipe (video)

Fatty Liver: The Silent Epidemic February 7, 2020


Any of various water-soluble organic acids of high molecular weight derived from humus.  Fulvic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in oceans, dystrophic lakes, peat, coal, and the soil. When organic matter decomposes, it creates an intricate material that can't be synthesized. Humic substances like fulvic acid are capable of boosting our ability to absorb nutrients and minerals while detoxifying our body of environmental pollution, harmful metals, and free radicals.

There are many health benefits of fulvic acid. Its unique chemistry enables it to improve our cells and expedite the absorption of electrolytes. Fulvic acid supplements aid in proper digestion. They also significantly contribute to the reception of probiotics, prebiotics, antioxidants, microbiota, minerals, and essential fatty acids. Ayurvedic medicine has used fulvic acid for millennia, in a remedy known as Shilajit that is used to treat a multitude of conditions from inflammation to the flu.

Fulvic acids have been overlooked by medicine and science. They have been treated as impurities in water. Yet recent studies show they contain hidden treasures that serve as antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal agents capable of working alone or in combination with other natural remedies. An extensive number of studies show that humic extracts, specifically fulvic acids, effectively and safely kill many viruses, including retroviruses, influenza viruses, and herpes simplex viruses. In fact, there is a patented humic-based compound that purifies blood for transfusions, killing the HIV virus without damaging blood cells. Many of these effects can be attributed to the interaction with other organic molecules as well as antioxidant properties. No unfavorable side effects have been noted in the extensive  literature.

​Fulvic acids are essential for healthy soil, for plant vigor and for human health. They occur naturally in living plants grown in humic soils and are found in the gastrointestinal tract of healthy humans and animals. Fulvic acids also play a role in the creation of full-spectrum, living water. They are a natural part of the water in streams and rivers everywhere, balancing minerals and making them available for living organisms.

When fulvic acids are added to water, they bring structure and life force—invigorating depleted  water. By themselves, fulvic acids bring structure to water. However, if water is depleted (unstructured) when fulvic acids are added, much of the energy contained in them is spent to structure and activate the water. If, on the other hand,  water is structured prior to the addition of fulvic acids, a perfusion of energy results as one life force combines with another. Fulvic acids are alive with Nature’s energy. Their addition to structured water results in the development of a matrix with the energetic signature of the 3 dimensional Flower of Life.