900 hours of chemo, and back on track

a 70 year old man

Dear MyShroom Company,

I am a 70 year old man who has recently ended my second bout with lymphoma. Actually this second time I was diagnosed with three extremely aggressive types of lymphoma. I was given an extremely aggressive regimen of chemotherapy. The program consisted of nine hundred (900) hours of seven (7) different types of very potent chemo in segments of one hundred fifty (150) hours per week along with numerous medications. The program worked and I, for the second time, am in full remission. Needless to say all the lymphoma along with hundreds of hours of chemo takes it's toll but I'm still here so no complaints. I met Alan and Gailmarie at an event I attended and we discussed health issues, I was extremely impressed by his in-depth knowledge on health. Alan shared with me a product he had developed called "MyShrooms". Within the first few minutes of sharing the intensive research and health benefits associated with MyShrooms I was sold and began taking the product. I felt as though my system was rebuilding and repairing my body after the intense regimen I had gone through. The effects of Alan's product are definitely beneficial and just keep getting better. He went into the micro deep cellular ways MyShrooms works and I now understand his excitement. Thank you Alan and Gailmarie for introducing me to MyShrooms, I'm back on track!

Disease or condition